Bergamot Wild
Monarda fistulosa
Properties and Uses:
American Indians used leaf tea for colic, flatulence, colds, fevers, stomachaches, nosebleeds, insomnia, heart trouble) in measles to induce sweating; poultice leaves for headaches. Historically, physicians used leaf tea to expel worms and gas. Bergamot leaves were infused in oil for use in hair. They contain antiseptic thymol and are applied to pimples, steam-inhaled for colds, and brewed for nausea, flatulence, and insomnia. Leaves are also taken for digestive problems.Bergamot Wild HERB
$23.69 CAD
Quarter Pound - Wild Crafted
$43.01 CAD
Half Pound - Wild Crafted
$78.20 CAD