Kola Nut
Cola acuminata
Properties and Uses:
A caffeine containing plant that stimulates the entire cerebrum minimizing fatigue and promoting alertness; like coffee, not to be used extensively due to adrenal stress and exhaustion, but periodically it will find value in neuromuscular hypofunction from long illnesses and depression. Mild laxative, and also diuretic and stimulant to the heart due largely to caffeine. Kola Nut
$7.82 CAD
Quarter Pound - Wild Crafted
$14.26 CAD
Half Pound - Wild Crafted
$25.99 CAD
One Pound - Wild Crafted
$11.39 CAD
Quarter Pound - Wild Crafted
$20.70 CAD
Half Pound - Wild Crafted
$37.72 CAD