Allium sativum
Garlic is for lung and respiratory ailments. It is excellent for both high and low blood pressure, infections, stomach problems and nervous headaches. Garlic has a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Laboratory studies have shown that garlic contains a substance (zallicin) that kills viruses. It provides protection against the common cold, amoebic dysentery and other infectious diseases. As an oil, garlic is used for earaches and congested middle ear problems.
Garlicin is the name brand of garlic, which contains allicin. This supplement offers three popular choices: Garlicin, Regular formula; Garlicin HC, and Garlicin CF. Garlicin HC is garlic combined with herbs, which are often used for the heart. Garlicin CF Formula contains herbs, which are used for colds and flu.
Garlic stimulates the activity of the digestive organs and therefore relieves various problems associated with Poor digestion. As an expectorant, it is useful for chronic stomach and intestinal catarrh, as well as for chronic bronchitis. Garlic also regularizes the action of the liver and gallbladder. It Is helpful for all intestinal infections, such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, and for problems due to Putrefactive intestinal bacteria. The tincture of garlic lowers blood pressure and helps to counteract arteriosclerosis. Its beneficial effect on blood circulation and heart action can bring relief for many common body complaints. A cold extract of garlic can be used as an enema for Intestinal worms particularly pinworms. The problem with garlic is that when you use it you Inherit the smell along with the benefits.