Boerhaavia diffusa
Properties and Uses:
According to Ayurvedic tradition, Purnarnava possesses bitter, stomachic, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, diaphoretic, emetic, purgative, antihelminitc, and febrifuge properties, and is traditionally used to treat glaucoma, anemia, heart disease, cough, intestinal colic, edema, piles, haemorrhage, biliousness, nervous system disorders, insomnia, rheumatism, asthma, phthisis, eye diseases, jaundice, ascites, and urethritis. It is also used as an ointment for leprosy and skin disorders. Boerhaavia's effect on the heart muscle will give a slight rise in blood pressure, although the effect of this herb is mostly on the renal epithelium. It is given when increased secretions of the kidney are wanted, or when there are lessened secretions, such as in ascites, whether due to the heart, kidney, or liver. It increases the systolic beat of the heart, and is therefore useful in all stenosed conditions of the heart valves. It is often used with Gokshura in diuretic formulas.Punarnava ROOT
$14.95 CAD
30 ml
$34.50 CAD
100 ml
$66.70 CAD
250 ml
$105.80 CAD
500 ml
$193.20 CAD